Saturday, May 30, 2009

Horror on Television

Hey, what's up monster lovers? I want to continue our conversation about childhood monster memories. Remember the days before VCR and DVD players? If you had to miss a movie because your mother wanted to watch her soap operas or The Mike Douglas Show, that was it you missed it! You could not record movies or time shift back in the 1970's.

As a kid, I managed to convince my mother (most of the time) to let me watch, Creature Features or Chiller Theater on a Saturday night (after all what else was a kid supposed to do on the weekend). The funny thing was we never realized that most of these movies were "edited." This was done for two main reasons; mainly to cut out inappropriate content, or for the T.V stations time retraints. When we watched horror movies back then, we thought what we saw on the T.V was all there was to a movie. Years later when VCR's became popular, we would find out otherwise.

A perfect example of this concerned a gem of a film entitled The Blood on Satan's Claw (1970). This excellent British production was exquisitely by Piers Haggard, concerned a satanic coven headed by a "sweet" village girl named ironically, Angel. Played in a chillingly seductive manner by actress Linda Hayden, this film had it all. Of course I did not find out that this film was edited until years later when I rented it for me and my parents to watch on our VCR. As the opening scene played out, my mother would utter her usual lament, "is this another one of those English weirdo movies?" God knows she endured many of those movies for my benefit I just kept on looking at the screen, unaware how right how she would be. When the scene where Linda Hayden (Angel) begins to recruit the local village teens into the coven, I sensed that something dire was about to happen. One of the girls is violently stripped naked and one of the local boys proceeds to have his way with her (doggy style). While he was getting into it (or her, I should say), Angel viciously stabs him in the back with a pair of metal shears. At this point, (my mother had already left the room) my father finally speaks up, " is this your idea of entertainment?" After my jaw dropped, I responded, "gee I don't remember this scene when I use to watch it as a kid!" No wonder! Duh! Not on channel 5.

Now, I can look back at these memories with amusement. I will never forget that uncomfortable moment in the confines of our T.V room. A similar incident occured with the film The Excorcist. I don't even want to get into that one! Until tomorrow have a Bloody Good Day!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Horror Convention

Hey fellow fear fans, it's time for another foray into the world of horror! So many things to talk about, and so little time. On Wednesday, we reminisced about what horror movies scared us as a child. We also touched on what ones affected us as an adult. Ah memory lane! Thats what is so great about life; no matter how bad things get, and let's face it, I cant remember things being this bad; we can always escape just by going back to those times when life was so much simpler and remember what made our childhood so great .

So today we are going to discuss another kind of memory . Anyone who has ever attended a horror-sci-fi convention knows that you never know who you might run into. I"m talking in terms of celebrity guest stars. One of the most popular of these conventions is the CHILLER THEATRE shows that come to New Jersey twice a year, every May and October (Halloween weekend). Outside of the hotel they usually have a big tent set up where all the celebrities are gathered behind tables where they sell their memorabilia. (shows are usually in The Meadowlands or Parsippany) Some guests are announced and some are not. One celebrity encounter that sticks in my mind the most was with actor Kevin McCarthy. He is a venerable character actor from the 50's through the 90,s, most notable for his starring role in the sci-fi classic " Invasion of the Body Snatchers"(1956) When I noticed he was selling a photo of him and co-star Dana Wynter I asked him, "how much for the photo?" He told me $20. I said "I'll take it!" As I started to reach towards him with the monery he grabbed the bill from my hand, and said "I'll take that!" He saw how taken aback I was , and proceeded to flash a wry grin at me. "Invasion of the MONEY SNATCHER'S " was more like it I'd say! Later that evening I spotted him roaming the bar area with drink in tow, visibly tipsy. Right then I knew where my $20 dollars went! I'll share more of these moments in the coming weeks. Until then, Have a bloody good day!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Childhood Memories...

Hello to all of my fellow horror fans, my name is Mike S, and this is my first official posting on my newly created blog.

As I have stated yesterday in my formal introduction of this blog, I 'm looking forward to hearing from fellow horror fans on the net who share my passion for everything horror in the world of entertainment. While the classics and the popular movie blockblusters of today all have their merits, there is nothing like a good 'ol fashioned horror film to cuddle up to on a dark and lonely night. Whether it is a classic horror film from the 1930's or the 1940's like Frankenstein or The Wolfman, a big bug sci-fi movie like Them! or a 1980's slasher film featuring guys named Jason, Freddie, or Michael, there is nothing more satsifying like a good scare or two. Let's face it when it comes to childhood memories and horror movies, what sticks in your mind the most? The first time that you saw Dracula creep out of his coffin, the first encounter with a zombie in the opening graveyard scene in Night of the Living Dead, or the first time you heard that chilling death rattle in The Grudge? These moments were priceless and will stay with you for many years to come.

With this blog, I hope to not only give my own spin on horror films, books, toys, etc. consisting of reviews and impressions of my own childhood memories, but to hear from you as well. There is a lot to discuss, critique, and reminisce about on this blog and I am eager to get started right away. Every Wednesday will be question day. So the questions will range from trivia to comments on a personal level. Today's question is a basic, but an important one. What five films frightened you the most as a child? I can tell you the ones that impacted me the most. They are in no particular order as follows:
  1. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
  2. Pyscho (1960)
  3. Carnival of Souls (1962)
  4. The Wolfman (1941)
  5. Tales from the Crypt (1972)

There are also a handful of movies that effected me in my adult years as well. They are as follows:

  1. Dawn of the Dead (1979)
  2. The Brood (1980)
  3. The Saint Francisville Experiment (2000)
  4. The Grudge (2004)
  5. The Changeling (1980)

What are yours?

The above films that I mentioned prove one thing, you are never too old to be scared out of your wits. Alright there until tomorrow have a bloody good day!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome fellow horror fans

A bloody hello to all of my fellow horror fans on the net. This is my first of many blog entries to come. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and now it is time to get down to business.

The purpose of this blog is to share memories, opionios, and comments on all things horror. This blog will consist of not only my input, but yours as well, concerning horror films, books, toys, conventions, and anything else horror related.

As the creator of this blog, I will post my reviews, opionions, childhood memories, and general comments on what it means to be a life long horror fan.

I look forward to all of your input and comments, so let's have a bloody good time with the blog.